If you would like to contact a particular neighborhood please email Santa Cruz Neighbors and make that request. If you would like help to organize your own neighborhood, we would love to help you!
Contact us at
Santa Cruz Neighbors is also partnering with – you can connect with your neighborhood that way as well. It’s more of a social network just for your neighborhood and not only limited to safety and crime issues. You can control how much information you want to receive and share with your neighbors. Each neighborhood decides how they would like to communicate through email lists or Neighborhoods are bordered the same with a few exceptions.
JOIN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD informational email list by going to MAPS and figuring out your neighborhood name OR JOIN
MAPS of Santa Cruz Neighborhoods
Building Community(pdf) Not Available right now
NEIGHBORHOODS as of 10/2012 with Street Boundary Description
Remember these are the neighborhoods with email lists, you can also check to connect with your neighbors.
- 2030 N Pacific Neighbors / 2030 N Pacific Condos
- Alta Vista Neighbors / Streets connected to Alta Vista
- Area 61 Neighbors / Delaware to West Cliff Dr and Columbia St to Woodrow Ave
- ATL Neighbors / Tannery Arts Center Neighbors
- Beach Flats / Leibrandt-Raymond-Beach St-3rd Street
- Beach Hill Association / Front St-Beach St-Riverside-Leibrandt-3rd Street
- Baytree Neighbors (Peach and Torry Pine Sts
- Birkshire, Society for a Better / Birkshire St
- BOSS Neighbors / Residents the Broadway, Ocean, Seabright and Soquel area, covering: Ocean Street Ocean View Ave South Branciforte Ave Caledonia St Pine St Pennsylvania St Cayuga St Seabright Ave Soquel Ave Hanover St Effey St Broadway
- Branciforte Ave Neighbors / Branciforte btw Soquel Ave and Water St with side streets off Branciforte Ave
- California St Neighbors/ California and Mission Sts btw Bay and Laurel
- Carbonera Area / All streets in Carbonera
- Central Park Association / Leonard-May and part of Dakota St
- Clearview Court / At Beach and Bay Sts
- Cleveland Ave Area Neighbors / All streets connected to Cleveland Ave
- Downtown Neighbors / Laurel-Front-Roncon-Lincoln and Chestnut Sts
- East Morrissey Neighborhood / Morrissey- Soquel- La Fonda – Hwy
- El Rio MHP Neighborhood Watch / 2100 N Pacific Ave
- Escalona from Hollywood to Highland,King from Hollywood to Mission Adjacent blocks of Kirby, Storey, Peyton, and Highland
- Fair Ave Neighbors / Swift-Delaware-Almar-Mission
- Garfield Neighbors / Almar-Younglove-Delaware-Dufour-California-Bay Sts
- Grandview Neighbors / NW Hwy 1 & Western Drive
- Harvey West Assoc. / All streets in Harvey West area
- Lee St Neighbors / Lee St
- Lighthouse Cowells Neighbors / Bay St to Pelton,West Cliff Dr to Columbia and Continental
- Linden St Neighbors / Linden St
- Lower Seabright Neighbors / Seabright-Murray-East Cliff-Buena Vista-Pine Sts
- Lower Escalona Neighbors / Escalona from Hollywood to Highland, King from Hollywood to Mission Adjacent blocks of Kirby, Storey, Peyton, and Highland
- Market St Neighbors / Market-Water-Ocean-Plymouth to Hwy 1
- Mission Neighbors / Streets around Mission Plaza and 2 blocks Mission St
- Moore Creek Area / inc. Western-Lisa Ct-Penquin Ct
- Natural Bridges Neighbors / Swanton-Delaware-Swift-West Cliff Dr
- Neary Lagoon Neighbors / Chestnut to California, along Laurel and Myrtle Street
- Garfield Neighbors / Almar Ave, Delaware Ave, Palmetta, defour St, California Ave, Bay St, Redwood St, Younglove Ave
- Neighbors of Lower Ocean / NOLO-San Lorenzo Blvd-up to Ocean View- and Broadway
- Nobel Neighborhood / All streets connected to Nobel Dr
- Ocean’s 11 / Oceans St from Water St to Hwy 1 Ocean St Ext, Jewel St, Coloma, Blaine,moon Alley, Villamar Way, Kennan, Humbolt, Franklin, Pryce and Felker Sts
- Neighbors of Ocean View Assoc. / Oceanview from Broadway to Park, S. Branciforte, Peck Terr., 100 & 200 blocks of Windsor and Windham
- Pasatiempo Neighbors / Pasatiempo area-Hwy 1
- Prospect Heights Area / Pacheco-Prospect Heights-Brookwood-Hwy 1
- Roundtree Neighbors (Castillion and Palo Verde Sts)
- Seabright Beach Community / Seabright area Murray St-East Cliff-San Lorenzo Rivermounth to Yacht Harbor
- SAGE-SC Neighbors / Beachview Ave, Grandview St, Escalona to Mesa Lane, Arroyo Seco to Escalona, Serra and Crespi Courts
- Seabright Neighbors / Seabright-Clinton-Owen-Eaton Sts
- SODA CANeighbors / Almar Ave and Woodrow Ave btw Delaware Ave and West Cliff Dr
- SOMBA / Bay-Lennox-Almar Mission
- GEMSS / South Morrissey Neighbors / S. Morrissey-Broadway-Soquel Ave-Frederick-Broadway-Seabright
- SpringTree St Assoc / Part of Spring St-Kalkar-Quarry-Rockridge
- Swift St Neighborhood Watch / Swift-West Cliff Dr-Almar-Delaware
- Villa de Branciforte East Neighbors / Stanford-Fairmount-Morrissey-Water Sts
- Village Highlands/ Villag Circle off High St
- West Escalona, King, Miramar / Escalona-Miramar-Mission-Bay Sts
- West Cliff Drive Association / West Cliff Dr
- Western Dr Lower Area / Grandview
- Westlake Neighbors Assoc / Above Escalona- all streets off Highland-High St to Bay St
- Windsor Neighbors/ Windsor and Pennsylvania corners
- Villa de Branciforte East Neighbors / Stanford-Fairmount-Morrissey-Water Sts