Come hear about this strategy and the successes already happening with Focused Intervention Team (FIT) out in our community. Members from the Sheriffs Office, Mental Health and Santa Cruz Police Department will present at our next upcoming Santa Cruz Neighbors Meeting at 155 Center St., April 17th from 7pm – 8:30pm.

FOCUSED INTERVENTION PROGRAM Public safety is local government’s primary responsibility. Communities thrive when people come together in public spaces, fostering an atmosphere of common respect and support that provides a foundation for community well-being. It starts with people feeling safe in their neighborhoods and downtowns. Unfortunately, Santa Cruz County experiences a high number of low-level repeat offenders who create an unwelcome atmosphere. Many of these individuals consume a disproportionate amount of public services and cycle in and out of the justice system. Many of these individuals suffer from substance abuse, are experiencing mental health conditions or homelessness. But what they all have in common is a willingness to engage in lawless behavior that places them and others at risk. The vast majority of individuals with behavioral health issues and/or who deal with housing instability do not create these kinds of impacts. However, a handful appear unwilling or unable to choose a different path and refuse offers of assistance or help, including enrollment in County behavioral health programs.