What’s New

Santa Cruz Neighbors is proud to announce the 2023 Citywide Block Parties. Gather and visit with neighbors old and new. This year your block party can be held on either Saturday 8/26 OR Sunday 8/27. Applications are due by August 15. You may also submit an application via this Google Form (https://forms.gle/KDRt68ZU81i25kEQ9)
OR you can fill out paper copy
Questions can be directed to Amy Radovan at amyradovan@nullcomcast.net or to Deborah Elston at (831) 423-0745
JOIN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD informational email list by going to “Neighborhoods” TAB OR JOIN NEXTDOOR.com
Citations for Parking Violators
Neighbors Bring Crime Rates Down – Suspicious Activities
About Us

Santa Cruz Neighbors is a city-wide 501(c)3 nonprofit organization representing a network of neighborhoods which partners with educational institutions, local government, local businesses, and non-profits dedicated to safer neighborhoods, community oriented government and provides a neighborhood voice for the residents of Santa Cruz.
What Is A Neighborhood Association?
Do you want your voice to be heard?
Do you want to know what is happening in your neighborhood?
A Neighborhood Association is comprised of a group of residents and business representatives who devote their time and energy to improve and enhance a well-defined geographic area where they and others live. Neighborhood association meetings,
like earlier town meetings, provide a place to meet neighbors, exchange ideas, prioritize projects, propose solutions and implement plans for the neighborhood.
Most neighborhood associations are concerned with issues that affect the quality of life in the community.